
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Maven problem - NoHttpResponseException and I/O exception

This issue is related with the internet protocol version 6 of the network I'm working so it will be fixed adding the java arg to the command.


mvn clean package

Monday, October 26, 2015

Eclipse/JdevStudio - Unable to connect to updates repositories

I'm getting an error every time I try to install something with Eclipse:


This can be fixed using this java arg variable:

We have to put this argument at the end of the file "eclipse.ini" and restart the IDE. (for Jdevstudio is jbdevstudio.ini)

Now I'm able to see whats under the repository.

I think the reason why is not working is because the current network I'm using doesn't support the newer network protocol IPv6(which is the most recent version), so we have to tell eclipse to go back to IPv4.